Former Sardis Fire Official Arrested for Embezzlement Over Fake Emergency Claims - Delta Daily News

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Former Sardis Fire Official Arrested for Embezzlement Over Fake Emergency Claims

SARDIS, Miss.–The former treasurer and secretary for the Sardis Fire Department is accused of logging emergencies that didn’t happen to get money for himself.
William Clark has been arrested and charged with embezzlement, said State Auditor Shad White.
Clark is accused of filing invoices for the response to the emergencies that didn’t happen to get money from the city.
“We will continue to hold the line on misuse of your tax dollars, big or small,” said White. “This is why we’ve been able to recover more money in the last six years than any other six-year period in the history of the Auditor’s office.”
Clark faces up to 10 years in prison and $5,000 in fines if convicted.