Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) Appeared on “America’s Newsroom With Sandra Smith Tuesday - Delta Daily News

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Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) Appeared on “America’s Newsroom With Sandra Smith Tuesday


WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, appeared on “America’s Newsroom” with Sandra Smith Tuesday to discuss issuing a subpoena to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and his committee’s continuing oversight efforts.

Excerpts of the interview are below and video can be found here.

“The hang-up is within the FBI. … And what we’re seeing now is dribs and drabs — the most recent revelation is the document that Lindsey Graham released on Sunday, which should shock people. I mean the fact that a year after the FBI was fully aware of the fact the Steele dossier was chock-full of Russian disinformation they’re coming in front of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and briefing them falsely that they still had confidence in the Steele dossier?

“This is beyond the pale and the FBI has to come clean and they have to produce documents now based on our subpoena by August 20th. I’m done fooling around. Hopefully we’ll be able to engage counsel in the White House as well as the attorney general’s office to extract the documents out of the FBI. This is ridiculous.”

“Think of the political nightmare we’ve gone through over the last three years because of the actions of these individuals. This is again, something that needs to be exposed. The public needs to know what happened and people need to be held accountable.”