Sunflower County Supervisors Clash Over Vehicle Policy and Employee Raises - Delta Daily News

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Sunflower County Supervisors Clash Over Vehicle Policy and Employee Raises

INDIANOLA, Miss.–An argument about a possible new policy for county employees in Sunflower County has been weeks in the making and came to a head during Monday’s meeting of the Board of Supervisors with an argument mainly between Board Pres. Gloria Dickerson and Supervisor Glen Donald.
“You cannot give them a raise without it being a part of the salary! I’m taking a break!” exclaimed Donald at one point.
That part of the argument was over a raise that was given to employees with take-home vehicles a decade ago so that they wouldn’t have to absorb a commuting fee that is being charged for the use of the vehicle.
Now Dickerson wants the policy amended to require thos employees to keep a detailed long of vehicle use and fuel consumption to make sure they are using the trucks for business purposes only, so the county stays in compliance with the IRS.
“That’s what we’re putting in the policy,” said Dickerson.
“No, we’ve got an attorney general’s opinion coming and I don’t think we ought to put something in the policy because you said it. We’ve been doing it for the last ten years and it’s been working,” retorted Donald.
But, the board was still not clear on its own policy, which was summarized in one paragraph, nor were they clear on how the raise, which was made part of taxable income, but was not actually paid to the employees, was actually going.
The matter still to be resolved in how the county plans to be in compliance with IRS rules, the attorney general’s opinion on what they should do to be in compliance with state law, and how to keep the employees from bearing the cost of commuting.