As severe weather approaches, experts are urging residents to prepare for potential power outages. With heavy winds and storms expected, it’s essential to have a plan in place to ensure safety and comfort during an outage.
Safety precautions include keeping flashlights and extra batteries on hand, checking disaster go-kits, and ensuring cash is available in case of a prolonged outage. People who rely on electricity for medical equipment should make a plan and identify a safe location with power backup.
When the power goes out, it’s important to disconnect appliances to avoid damage from electrical surges. Keep freezers and refrigerators closed to preserve food, and only use generators outdoors, away from windows. For individuals with power-dependent medical needs, alternate plans should be in place, such as using coolers with ice for medications or devices. A thermometer can help monitor temperatures to ensure medications stay at the proper range.
Residents are also advised to stay away from downed power lines, and to look out for one another during the storm.
Staying informed and prepared will help families navigate the challenges of a power outage and stay safe until power is restored.