The following arrests were made on Tuesday, March 22, 2022:
Tony Collins, Jr. – contempt of court, malicious mischief, exhibiting a deadly weapon.
Robert Boxley, III – contempt of court
Jakari Mayhall – contempt of court
Jonathan Rankins – driving with suspended license
The following arrests were made on 03-23-2022:
Tyrell Anderson –Disorderly Conduct, interference with customers.
Eric McKnight-Malicious Mischief, Contempt of Court.
George H English III- Aggravated Assault
The following arrests were made on 03-24-2022:
Derrick M. Harris Jr.- Contempt of Court (FTA), Carrying a Concealed Weapon. Bond was set at $6000.00
Daryl Beasley – Felon in possession of Firearm, Possession of Stolen Firearm. Awaiting Initial Hearing.